Updated Apr. 3rd, 2008
Educational evaluation, educational system design and evaluation, Distance education, e-learning
Observing learner's pupillary change, eye tracking, nose temperature, EEG and other behaviral measure
Object and text recognition; 3D presentation, visual information processing and the effectiveness of media presentation
Learning Science, Educational measure and evaluation, Behaviral analysis, Human vision, Visual information processing, Evaluation modelling, Subjective evaluation, Eye tarcking, Pupil response, Eye blinking, Artificial Neural networks, Visual perception, Visual representation, Cognitive process, Distance Education, e-learning
Recent works:
Minoru Nakayama, Yosiyuki Takahasi:
Estimation of Certainty for Multiple Choice Tasks Using Features of Eye-movements,
Proceedings of Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications 2008, pp.73-76
Minoru Nakayama, Makoto Katsukura:
Assessing usability with eye-movement frequency analysis,
Proceedings of Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications 2008, pp.77
Minoru Nakayama, Yosiyuki Takahasi:
An Estimation of Response Certainty using Features of Eye-movements, Proceedings of European Symposium of Artificial Neural Network (ESANN) 2007, pp.91-96
Minoru Nakayama, Makoto Katsukura:
System Usability Evaluation for Input Operation using Oculo-motors, Proceedings of Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007), pp.15-22
Minoru Nakayama, Yosiyuki Takahasi:
An Estimation of Certainty for Multi Choice Responses using Eye-movement,
Proceedings of COGAIN 2006 'Gazing into the Future', pp.65-70
M.Nakayama, Y. Shimizu:
Evaluation of a multimedia learning exercise using oculo-motors, ACM Eye Tracking Reseach & Applications Symposium 2006, ACM Press(434061), pp.46(2006)
M.Nakayama, Y. Shimizu:
Frequency analysis of task evoked pupillary response and eye-movement, ACM Eye Tracking Reseach & Applications Symposium 2004, ACM Press(434041), pp.71-76(2004)
Minoru Nakayama, keiko Yamamoto and Fumio Kobayashi:
Effecectiveness for a sleepiness test of pupil size estimation during blink, Proceedings of International conference on Bio-Inspired Systems and Signal Processing, pp.558-564 (2008)
Minoru Nakayama:
Influence of Blink on Pupillary Indices, Proceedings of Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), pp. 29-32 (2006)
M.Nakayama: Estimation of eye-pupil size during blink by Support Vector Regression, Modelling Natural Action Selection: Proceedings of an International Workshop, pp.121-126(2005)
M.Nakayama and Y.Shimizu: The Effectiveness of Pupil Estimation during Eye-blink, The 25th Pupil Colloquium, Crete(2003)
M.Nakayama & Y.Shimizu:
An estimation model of pupil size for 'Blink Artifact' and it's applications, Proceedings of 10th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, pp.251-256(2002) [PDF]
Minoru Nakayama, Hiroh Yamamoto and Rowena Santiago:
The Impact of Learner Characteristics on Learning Performance in Hybrid Courses among Japanese Students, The Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 5(3), pp.195-206 (2007)
Minoru Nakayama, Hiroh Yamamoto and Rowena Santiago:
Investigating the Impact of Learner Characteristics on Blended Learning Among Japanese Students,
Proceedings of International Conference on e-Learning, pp.361-370 (2006)
Minoru Nakayama et al.:
Evaluation of e-Learning Courses for Computer Operation,
Proceedings of 4th European Conference on e-Learning, pp.309-315 (2005)
Minoru NAKAYAMA, Takahiro YONEKAWA, Yasutaka SHIMIZU:
Development of a Tele-lecture Video Scene Filtering System for Creating e-Learning materials,
Proceedings of 3rd European Conference on e-Learning, pp.291-296 (2004)
M.Nakayama & T.Kumakura:
Face Identification Performance Using Facial Expressions as Perturbation, Artificial Neural Networks: Biological Inpirations - ICANN 2005, pp.557-562 (2005)
M.Nakayama & Y.Shimizu: Subject Categorization for Web Educational Resources using MLP, Proceedings of 11th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, pp.9-14(2003)
M.Nakayama & Y.Shimizu:
A Feasibility Study of the Development of Subject Categorization Methods for Educational Resources, Proceedings of the 2001 UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence, pp.150-155(2001)
M.Nakayama: Display effect for object recognition in the mental rotation of line-drawn and dot-defined objects, European Conference on Visual Perception(ECVP'02), Glasgow(2002)
M.Nakayama & G.W.Mather:
Object recognition in the mental rotation of line-drawn and dot-defined objects, European Conference on Visual Perception(ECVP'00), Groningen(2000)
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