Research Themes of Graduates

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February, 2024
  • Analysis of eye movement scan-paths and their image features while earching for routes on metro maps
    T. Kodomaru the Department of Information and Communications Engineering master dissertation

  • N. Nishihara the Department of Information and Communications Engineering master dissertation

  • N. Noda the Department of Information and Communications Engineering master dissertation
September, 2023

  • R. Yasuda the Department of Information and Communications Engineering graduation research
February, 2023
  • Development of prediction models of emotion intensity using acoustic features of speech sound
    M. Kawase the Department of Systems and Control Engineering master dissertation
  • Effect of sampling frequency on detection of eye movement features
    R. Takanashi the Department of Information and Communications Engineering graduation research
  • Relationship between eye fixations and saliency maps of paintings
    K. Hyakuda the Department of Computer Science graduation research
  • Program code navigation modeling for individuals based on LSTM
    Sun Ming (YSEP)
February, 2022
  • A Research on Time Series Evaluation of Cognitive Load Factors by Eye Movement Features
    T. Okano the Department of Information and Communications Engineering master dissertation
  • Observing visual attention on stimulus in peripheral field using pupil response
    N. Nishihara the Department of Information and Communications Engineering graduation research
  • Comprehension Evaluation of Source Code Using Saliency of Program Code Images and Eye Movement Information
    N. Noda the Department of Information and Communications Engineering graduation research
August, 2021
  • Predicting Code Reading Test Answers by Using Eye Movement Features Based on Deep Neural Network
    Y. YAN the Department of Information and Communications Engineering master dissertation
  • Effects of Image Features and Task Complexity on Eye Movements during route search in Metro Maps
    D.Kodomaru the Department of Information and Communications Engineering graduation research
February, 2021
  • A Study on the Measurement Method for Individual Identification by Eye Movements
    Y. Nitus the Department of Information and Communications Engineering master dissertation
  • Evaluation of Program Code Reading Behavior Using Eye Information
    H. Harada the Department of Information and Communications Engineering master dissertation
  • Effect of perception of vection on eye movements and VR sickness impression
    Y. Oshima the Department of Information and Communications Engineering graduation research
September, 2020
  • Relationship between rating value for emotionally arousing images and change in pupil diameter
    N. Murokawa the Department of Information and Communications Engineering graduation research
August, 2020
  • Shinsou-gakusyu wo mochiita nihongo-onsei-koupasu niokeru kanjyou-kyoudo-suitei no kentou
    M. Kawase the Department of Systems and Control Engineering graduation research
February, 2020
  • Examination of effects on gaze behavior while displaying vibrational motion stimuli in the peripheral field of vision
    T. Ueno the Department of Information and Communications Engineering master dissertation
  • Influence on attention by image stimulus used for RSVP task
    I. En the Department of Information and Communications Engineering master dissertation
  • Effectiveness of field size of view on gazing behavior during head movement using HMD
    R. Okura the Department of Information and Communications Engineering graduation research
  • Autmated Emotion Annotator
    Valentin HERBEZ¡ÊYSEP¡Ë
January, 2020
  • Synthetic Speech Perception with Pupillometry
    Mateusz Dubiel Mac Robertson Funding
August, 2019
  • Prediction of impression for facial images using EEG features
    S. Waseda the Department of Systems and Control Engineering master dissertation
  • EEG-based Feature Analysis for Human Emotion Responses
    Z. Sheng the Department of Information and Communications Engineering master dissertation
  • The Relationship between Mental Workload under Visual Search Task Execution and Eye Features
    T. Okano the Department of Information and Communications Engineering graduation research
February, 2019
  • Features of head and eye movement in response to impression for viewing task with HMD
    T. Shiraishi the Department of Information and Communications Engineering master dissertation
  • Feature extraction of eye movement in situational recognition for videos
    M. Shinoda the Department of Information and Communications Engineering master dissertation
  • The Influence of background information on eye movement control in anti-saccade task
    K. Yamaguchi the Department of Information and Communications Engineering master dissertation
  • Relationship between Eye Movement Feature and Understanding Level in Program Comprehension Tasks
    H. Harada the Department of Computer Scicence graduation research
  • Hyouteki-shigeki no chikaku-shikibetu ni oyobosu haikei-gazou no eikyou ni kansuru kentou
    K. Muroga the Department of Computer Scicence graduation research
  • The influence of expectation of remuneration induced during game on pupil information
    K. Souda the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research
August, 2018
  • Simple Afffective Hapticons using Web Technologies
    Hultman, A¡ÊACAP¡Ë
February, 2018
  • Scene ni fuyosareta komento no hindo to kanjyou-hyougen ni motoduku douga-contents no bunrei
    M. Narusawa the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • Denshi-bunsyo ni okeru page-suii-jyouhou niyoru user-shien no kentou
    K. Sugihara the Department of Information and Communications Engineering master dissertation
  • Koumoku-hannou-riron wo mochiita Peer Assessment ni okeru hyoukasya-tokusei no kentou
    A. Hayashi the Department of Social and Human Sciences master dissertation
  • Shikakuteki-na cyuui no mabataki ni taisuru cyoukaku-shigeki no eikyou
    A. Nakata the Department of Social and Human Sciences master dissertation
  • Relationship between subjective evaluation and gaze feature by composition of photograph
    R. Iijima the Department of Computer Scicence graduation research
  • Visual vibration perception in peripheral vision field
    T. Ueno the Department of Computer Scicence graduation research
  • Relationship between task evoked mental workload and microsaccade frequency
    Y. Hayakawa the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research
February, 2017
  • Etraction of acoustic features of emotional speech and consideration of emotional expression
    T. Yamazaki the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • Analysis of scan-paths for images of sport's games
    M. Shinoda the Department of Computer Scicence graduation research
  • Clustering of trends of SNS messages using their features
    K. Nakamura the Department of Computer Scicence graduation research
  • The effect of head movement by HMD installation on perceptual impression
    T. Shiraishi the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research
February, 2016
  • The Effect of the Learning Way which get the Conceptual Knowledge for its Definition in Arithmetic Education
    K. Ikeda the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • Analysis of the Effect of Handout Teaching Methods to encourage the Writing Activities
    H. Shimazaki the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • The Relationship between Eye Movements and Subjective Evaluation of Emotional Pictures
    T. Furuta the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research
February, 2015
  • The Relationship between the Impression of Chords and the Auditory Attention in EEG
    T. Yamazaki the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research
February, 2014
  • A Study on Evaluation of Vovational Iterest Assessment and Development and Evaluation of a Pupil Diameter-Based Method in Screening Process for New Graduates
    T. Suzuki the Department of Human System Science doctoral dissertation
  • The Relation between Saliency Map and Subjectivity for Image Quality Assessment
    H. Teranaka the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research
  • The Study on Recognition of Facial Expression using Feature information of EEG
    M. Yasuda the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research
September, 2013
  • Relationship between facial expression and EEG responses
    Z. Dou the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • The classification of single-trial EEG using empirical mode decomposition
    F. Makihara the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research
February, 2013
  • Development of evaluations and training methods for students' writing activities
    M. Adachi the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • Relationship between image features of Kanji characteristics and attentional blink suppression in rapid serial visual presentation
    H. Yago the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
February, 2012
  • Estimation of answer correctness for recall tests with eye movements using hidden Markov models
    N. Takahashi the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • Computational model for probability prediction of scan paths in static scenes
    Y. Nakahira the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research
February, 2011
  • Effects of complexity in Kanji letters for cognitive responses using rapid serial visual presentation task
    H. Yago the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research with Hachiya lab.
September, 2010
  • Measurement of vocational preference using pupil reaction for stimuli of vocationa-related charachters
    T. Suzuki the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
February, 2010
  • Development and Evaluation of SNS for Constructing Ties
    Y. Sato the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • Characteristics of biosignals for visual perception
    M. Fujimoto the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research
September, 2009
  • A Study on Support for Use of ICT in Whole-class Teaching in Elementary School
    T. Horita the Department of Human System Science doctoral dissertation
  • CinkNote (Collaborative Ink Note): The Development and Evaluation of a Tool for Group Discussion by Sharing Hand-written Annotations using Tablet PC
    H. Kim the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
February, 2009
  • The effect of color of letters on word search task
    T. Narui the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • Discrimination for true-false task using eye-movements features
    Y. Hayashi the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
February, 2008
  • A study on structure of problem solving process using pencil puzzle
    A. Kimura the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • Development of support system for subject choice using semantic web
    J. Housito the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research
  • Development of writing support system in referring honorific forms
    K. Morita the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research
February, 2007
  • Neural mechanisms of action selection on the basis of perceptual information and reward expectation
    H. Abe the Department of Human System Science doctoral dissertation
  • Predicting the uncompleted students on e-Learning using the access-log
    H. Kanazawa the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • Effect of the stimulus probability on the stimulus-preceding negativity
    Y. Kuramoto the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • The effect on search time by color of letters in word search subject
    T. Narui the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research
September, 2006
  • Psychophysiological study on the functional significance of the stimulus-preceding negativity
    Y. Ohgami the Department of Human System Science doctoral dissertation
Feburary, 2006
  • Effects of figure where display attribute is different on memory
    R. Minemura the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • Eye-Movements for Correcting Multiple Choice Response
    Y. Takahasi the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research
Feburary, 2005
  • Assessment of learner situation in asynchronous learning
    H. Kanazawa the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research
  • Interior study traning "The information education" of Miyazaki
    T. Inokubo the teacher of Takachiho town-run Takachiho junior high school
Feburary, 2004
  • Examination of writing operation in syosya-syodo
    A. Saito the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • The examination of compare presentation style audio and visual on understanding sentence
    W. Takita the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • A Study on Difficulty Estimation for Input Operation by Using Pupil Size
    M. Katsukura the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research
September, 2003
  • Research on the language processing for voice dialog translation and information retrieval support
    M. Suzuki the Department of Human System Science doctoral dissertation
  • Interior study traning "The information education" of Miyazaki
    H. Nishimura the teacher of Yamada town-run Konogawachi elementary school
February, 2003
  • ERP study on 'kanji' cognition process
    H. Abe the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • Development of face identification system using synthesized images of face expression
    T. Kumakura the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • Interior study traning "The information education" of Miyazaki
    T. Nasu the teacher of Takaharu town-run Takaharu elementary school
February, 2002
  • An investigation into the effects of 'sound' on subjects performance on a numeric memory task using EEG measures
    T. Gotoh the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • Study about the Method of Mathematical Education with the Presentation-typed Computer Contents
    Y. Mitsubori the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • The development of an information retrieval support system for text and video based learning material on the Web
    Y. Morimoto the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • The Research of the influence of present by the visual and auditory senses on understanding sentences
    W. Takita the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research
  • Interior study traning "The information education" of Miyazaki
    H. Utsunomiya the teacher of Nobeoka municipal Toumi-higashi elementary school
February, 2001
  • A fundamental Study of Evaluation for Mental Activity Using Oculo-motor system
    Koji Takahashi the Department of Human System Science doctoral dissertation
  • The reviewing about the effectiveness of display media and the way of showing style on the sentence understanding
    K. Kiyohara the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • An Influence of Sound Circumstances and Musical Behavior on Text Reading
    S. Yagawa the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
February, 2000
  • Study for Development of Web-based Learning System with Functions of Gathering and Replaying History
    M. Ookawa the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • A web reference support system for study
    Y. Morimoto the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research
September, 1999
  • Effectiveness of Concept Maps for Presentation and Evaluation of Changes in Learner's Concept
    Y.Morita the Department of Human System Science doctoral dissertation
February, 1999
  • The Development and Evaluation of a Computer Based Drill to Learn Particle Usages for Primary Japanese Learner
    R. Oki the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
February, 1998
  • A correlation of eye-movement and pupillary change in driving simulation
    K. Takahashi the Department of Human System Science master dissertation
  • Correlation between change of pupil area and subjective estimate when watching television
    M. Murai the Department of Control System Engineering master dissertation
  • Research for the effect of movement in teaching-materials presentation
    M. Sekiguchi the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research
February, 1997
  • Investigats of study action by face skin temperature
    T. Siino the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research
February, 1996
  • Development of the operating support study system using the Internet
    K. Nomura the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research
  • About correlation of the objective evaluation and subjective evaluation by pupil area change
    M. Murai the Department of Control System Engineering graduation research

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